agreement under article vi of the treaty of mutual cooperation and security between japan and the united states of america, regarding facilities and areas and the status of united states armed forces in japan

treaty of mutual cooperation and security between japan and the united states

mutual defense assistance agreement between japan and the united states of america

treaty on extradition between japan and the united states of america

security cooperation between japan and the united states
日米安保協力{にちべい あんぽ きょうりょく}

treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation between japan and the united states of america

agreement between the government of the united states of america and the government of japan concerning fisheries off the coast of the united states of america

civil air transport agreement between japan and the united states of america

agreement for cooperation between the government of japan and the government of the united states of america concerning civil use of atomic energy

united states forces, japan

consular convention between japan and the united states of america

security relationship between japan and the united states
《the ~》日米間{にちべい かん}の安全保障{あんぜん ほしょう}

security treaty between australia, new zealand, and the united states of america
ANZUS 安全保障条約

security partnership of japan and the united states
日米安保体制{にちべい あんぽ たいせい}

armed forces of the united states
{組織} : 米軍

united states armed forces

alliance between japan and the united states
日米同盟{にちべい どうめい}

relationship between japan and the united states
日米関係{にちべい かんけい}

agreement between japan and the united states of america concerning the ryukyu islands and the daito islands

new guidelines for defense cooperation between japan and the united states
日米防衛協力{にちべい ぼうえい きょうりょく}のための新しいガイドライン

okinawa area coordinator, united states forces, japan

united states armed forces in the pacific

united states armed forces institute

alliance of japan and the united states
日米同盟{にちべい どうめい}

both japan and united states
日米双方{にちべい そうほう}